Thursday, June 9, 2011

hey there (: another quick outfit post, of a sunshiny day.
(seems like all i do nowadays are quick posts, i'm sorry for that!)
Great news, tomorrow i'm getting my iPhone!!! I have been wanting one for a long time, and with my boyfriend being the Apple nerd he is,(iPhone, iPad etc.) it's a miracle i didn't get one months ago.
It's a white iPhone 4... what do you think of the white ones? I hear it's very prone to scratching, but for me Apple products are white. White and silver. So i wanted a white one.'s almost summer, and tomorrow it's gonna be a reallllyyy busy day for me at work.
I work at the TESO, which is the Royal Ferry company for the island Texel.
I'll make a great big post about it soon (:! Because it's quite interesting...
Sorry for all the tiny posts, i swear i'll make it up to you!
And i just surpassed the 10 followers, wootwoot!
(it's a start, right?)

Florence + the machine ; the Dog Days are Over

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