Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fear the pink mist. outfit post,

has beennnn a while. Hope im not letting you down with this greyish ensemble.
The skirt is a white denim, with a grey flower pattern on it... i love it, because its so versatile. (: The tshirt is by h&m, boots are vintage and wonderfull.
Necklace is by Miss Etam, lol ^^. Keep going there for my mom, accidentally finding great stuff there.

Heyy, and sorry first and foremost.
I have been away for a really long time, opening this page, doubting wether i should blog, and what i should blog about. Theres so many things that ive promised to do and are still open;

-the art posts on both Caroline and Kat. Im so sorry, the pieces are nearly finished, but i have been so busy, i find it difficult to find time to even breathe.

What have i been busy with? Gosh, it's so much, so let me write it down here in a very very very summarized version of it all.

- i started to attend the university of Leiden, which is the oldest university of the Netherlands. I study Archeology there, so yes, digging around for old stuff.

- Studying this is taking a lot more time than i originally thought, juggling this next to working and friends/boyfriend...

-in my city the university/sorority life is a really big thing. (: so ofcourse i had to join like 3 clubs as if i wasnt busy enough yet...

i know all of this is no real excuse for my absense, but i dont know, i got so embarassed over not updating i kept postponing it... sooo here are my sincere apologies, hope youll still want to read my blog and be able to forgive me (:

Sunday, July 31, 2011

i am. in trouble.

see that? thats my cat. hes awesome and nice.
thats how he looked at me when he found out what i did.
it wasnt nice...

I FRIGGIN DROPPED MY IPHONE IN THE TOILET. I cant stop swearing titfuckshitnofuckshitfuckingfuckfucktitwankerfuckfuckcuntpenisfucktitfuckingshitfuck.
its very gracefull i know. not really. im just soooo pissed off at myself, it happened in a matter of seconds. so fucked up ): im so so so sad. why do i always have this with my shit?
i know why, because im horribly clumsy. thats why.

well signing off now, i need to forget about my iphone for a couple of days and let it dry.
keep your fingers crossed for me, oke? pretty please?
and im sorry for the swearing. i promise you i am a lady.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Island in the Sun. (:

someone give me spanks. i fully deserve to be permanently positively punished. wow, after all the time of leaving you alone ): i'm gonna feature people on this blog soon, (: i have 2 of my followers in mind that inspire me, and support me. everytime they comment on my posts, i feel a bit starstruck (: like waoawwww, you're actually commenting on me? *BLUSH FO SHOWWW* first up, is CAROLINEEE (: from Ergy Erg. erg erg erg? She's creative, talented, has her own stall in Camden, stay tuned for this one! I'm working on her dedicated artwork right now, but so far it's only dusty pinks, lace and unicorns.
Ofcourse i'll do a BARCELONA POST. SISISISISI. Si, senor. I have just been a bit silly. meaning i don't have my pictures anymore. The boyfriend has them. i don't. He gave me a big ol' memorycard for my camera :D! Ain't that a useful and cute gift. <3 ^^^ TRICLOPS.
this has been a blah die blah post. Oh and if you're wondering; the vest in the pictures is from the Mermaid Collection by SPS.

PS. Does anybody know how to get pictures on blogger without them FxCking up the quality? Mew. Much obliged ^^, i'll bake you a cookie.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

hey lovely bumbu-ba-ba-bumblebeees.
i'm sooo sorry it's been so long since my last post, my last weeks were quite hectic with work. i have two weddings, which i ofcourse will post about, and me and Harm decided to go to Barcelona next week. (: it's quite last minute, so we're busy preparing. i don't want to waste any time of my precious days there, if you have any original tips on fun Barcelona activities, food or shopping places, let me know! ^^
here's a quick outfit post, in two tasty colors; cinnamon and cream. (: once again i'm sorry, i promise to better myself! i really do!

dress is by Promiss, lace vest is from Clockhouse by C&A ^^.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Today has been madhott, i was frieeeed.. Luckily i live 100 yards away from the beach...literally. (: it's too hot for proper blogging, but i'll share some of my hipstas from this week.

mew. (: <3

finding little monuments on the beach.

Baking pizza and watching Star Wars in bed on the really dreary days. <3

Sunday, June 26, 2011

yet another outfit post, jees. do you have anything else? Well i know, i deff. need a new recipe post soon. i have been baking muffins with my boyfriend this afternoon, so who knows (: anyway, this from a day or so ago, because today the weather was awesome! No raincoat required. :D summer is here.

Not really sure if i can pull off the orange liptrend, but it's always fun to try. (:

Customised these jeans myself.
jeans are my favorite, by Superstar, although i have a highwaisted brand new Jane Norman, who is about to dethrone them. the shirt is a sheer,(i'm so hip.) thrifted.
Graphic coat is really old from Miss Etam. Who says that that store is only for your mother?!
Headband by H&M, for the needed amount of prep. Nailcolour is Cannes by Heromes W.I.C <3
And the lipstick is a tangerine by L'Oreal. :D
that's all for now lovelies, i have a beach, and a sunset waiting for me ! (:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

mew. i'm back. i do believe i'm one of the most awkward writers on the interwebs.
i never put capitals, i simply refuse it on i as in me. i'm not that important.
And my stories are just like me, without any order, or structure. Undisciplined. i need advice on how to write, (: What i do know how to do, is shoot pictures, and even though my proper pictures are not on here, i can show you my collection of cameras.
i did used to post all my pictures online, but they got stolen, when i was trying to sell them on DA, so i learned from this. (: Around me, more and more people are starting to get into photography, it's really hip apparently. i kind of like this, because it's a wonderfull art, and it's nice that things like art become more common. i do however am kind of disappointed that everybody that wants to get into photography instantly buys an SLR camera, puts it on automatic focus mode, and is done with it. The whole trick to it is even with a crappy camera, still being able to capture amazing things. And trying to play with the settings. My mom got into photography 30 years ago, and i got most of my cameras from her. There's nothing more fun than playing with chemicals or lenses and seeing what happens.
Film is an even greater love probably, because i like how it moves and works so well with music. So here is an introduction to my babies:

My Polaroid Camera. Mieuw, it deserved capitals. Through the impossibleproject.com, Polaroid cartridges are being produced again. Though in limited amounts, it allows me to go back to this wonderfull adventurous form of photography. You take the picture, then hide it for a good 2 minutes in a dark place, like your pocket, and then something astonishing becomes visible. i got this off ebay, for 30 euros, and the pictures cost me about another 20/12 so you need to be kind of serious about it, because it's quite expensive.It's from the old 600-series.

My Sony Camcorder... most of my film is being shot with this digital camera. The Sony DCR HC37E. It does need tape, but that's kind of the charm of it. Images are on digital tape, so i can download them to my computer through a mini firewire cable. (: Easy as pie.

Olympus E400. My digital SLR camera, and the most used one for picturetaking pictures. It needs to be upgraded though, i was thinking about buying a new lense, but i kind of want to go all out, and just buy a new camera. So if anyones interested? The Olympus software is kind of backwards to me, and playing around with it's settings is not half as fun as it should be. i bought this a really long time ago, and i wish i would have read more reviews about it and stuff. It still allowed me to shoot some great pictures. (:

Yellow Minolta35DL. This one is special, over thirty years old, and one of the jewels passed down from mom. This nifty analogue camera can be taken underwater to depths of 35 meter. i'm mad crazy into diving, so i'm deff. bringing this on my next underwater adventure. (:

Oh Glory.

This is my amazing supereight, vintage videocamera. My exboyfriends dad had it lying about and let me have it. It came in a beautiful leather suitcase including batteries, a lense and film. It just costs about 25 EUROS to have 3 minutes of film changed into digital film, so that makes editing virtually impossible. But i don't care, because nothing weighs up to the real vintage warm effect that the supereight gives to any movie.
I still have my analogue SLR camera, a canon, and my tiny always in the bag Fujifilm, which also films in HD. This was elected the best compact camera of the year. i'll edit the post when i take proper pictures of them, untill then, hope you enjoyed, and hope to inspire you to not only look at the fancy new cameras, but let you see how much fun you can have with the old cameras aswell. ill scan some of my developed film ones to prove it (:!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

helloooo (: another outfit post (:

my boyfriend took these pictures, he is really annoyed by my camera shyness. as you can see, i have troubles acting normal in front of a camera, especially when it's someone else taking the pictures.
gosh, i love this red jacket, it's so cute and it gives a pop of color to any outfit...
jacket; promiss
dress; unknown
tights;hema (: (best tights ever)
flats; unknown

I went shopping with my mom and grandmother wednesday, it was so cute. My grandmother is the cutest old lady, but she has no fashion sense what so ever. Her main addiction is coats, which she buys at fleamarkets. i'm all for thrifting, but in her case it's always function over fashion. If a coat is waterproof, and cheap, she can't let it there, because it's such a good coat. They're all hideous, and i think she must have 25 of them. My mom creating classy ensembles with a little dash of color, and she instantly grabbing anything shapeless and army green off the racks made me laugh so much. (:
My mom and grandmother are so cute.