Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Heyy, and sorry first and foremost.
I have been away for a really long time, opening this page, doubting wether i should blog, and what i should blog about. Theres so many things that ive promised to do and are still open;

-the art posts on both Caroline and Kat. Im so sorry, the pieces are nearly finished, but i have been so busy, i find it difficult to find time to even breathe.

What have i been busy with? Gosh, it's so much, so let me write it down here in a very very very summarized version of it all.

- i started to attend the university of Leiden, which is the oldest university of the Netherlands. I study Archeology there, so yes, digging around for old stuff.

- Studying this is taking a lot more time than i originally thought, juggling this next to working and friends/boyfriend...

-in my city the university/sorority life is a really big thing. (: so ofcourse i had to join like 3 clubs as if i wasnt busy enough yet...

i know all of this is no real excuse for my absense, but i dont know, i got so embarassed over not updating i kept postponing it... sooo here are my sincere apologies, hope youll still want to read my blog and be able to forgive me (:

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